Quality | Fuji Seiki
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The implementation of controls and evaluation tests.

The implementation of controls and evaluation tests in accordance with ISO/TS 16949 and ISO9001.

We deliver high quality products to our customers by not only ensuring high quality by the precision of our molds but also through our thorough quality control system. At Fuji Seiki, we have put in place a system to guarantee high quality, with our Suzhou and Shanghai factories receiving ISO/TS 16949 accreditation and our other factories acquiring ISO9001 accreditation.

Note: Our Indonesian factory is currently in the process of acquiring ISO9001 accreditation.

Quality Control in accordance with ISO/TS 16949 & ISO9001.

ISO/TS 16949 is a quality management system (particular required items for automotive manufacturing and related service parts and systems in connection with application of ISO9001(2009))

Management system for quality awareness

At Fuji Seiki, we take measures to ensure that our quality policy and organization are reflected in the awareness and actions of all employees. Furthermore, our mid-term management policy is “Quality Policy: Aiming for a Fuji Seiki Group which Delivers Peace of Mind” and we ensure that this is well-known on the factory floor.

Quality targets in each process:
“Customer claims: within 3/month, automotive rejection rate: 13ppm or less, in-process defect 1% or less”

Quality Target Achievement Charts which clarify the numerical targets are drafted in each division and progress follow-ups implemented monthly.

Quality assurance system

We have a clear Quality Assurance System Chart (role of each division).

We draft and control a schedule for each part including new product development schedule, cost and delivery schedule.

Materials storage system

If the properties of materials are altered due to temperature changes or other factors, this will affect the subsequent manufacture.

In order to prevent such problems from occurring, each of our factories is equipped with a materials storage room.

Abnormalities (points of variation) control system

Rules have been formulated for processing of in-process abnormalities in accordance with abnormality processing standard, and control is implemented daily by classifying product thrown out at start of molding, short stop product, defective product, inspected product and non-inspected product.

Furthermore, rules have been formulated in-house in a 4M Change Rule Document, and records are constantly kept of reasons for starting molding.

Depending on the reason for a change, we contact the customer in advance to receive an evaluation.

Process control system

We will draft and utilize Quality Process Charts (Quality Process Tables) for each process and Work Instructions, and implement an Internal Process Audit half-yearly, and correct any non-conforming points.

Training control system

In our factory divisions, we ascertain the knowledge required for work and duties requiring training certification.
We determine the training and evaluation methods, implementing study meetings in the division and keeping records of this training.

Management review

At Fuji Seiki, we implement a yearly review throughout the company of the status of each process.

The results of the review are used as input for the following year in the determination and achievement of quality targets and sustained improvement items.

ISO/TS 16949 Certificate

ISO/TS 16949 Certificate

Acquisition of ISO 9001/ 14001 Certification

ISO 9001/ 14001

Comment from supervisor

Shanghai Fuji Seiki, Quality Assurance Division, Wan Ying Jun
We implement quality control on a daily basis in accordance with fundamental data.
We have a system in place to continually control points of variation or abnormal points, and we manufacture and deliver products with the required quality.

Implementing evaluation tests

Implementing evaluation tests

We can verify the quality required of our products through the implementation of evaluation tests.
In addition, by conducting the same evaluations as our customers, we can reduce potential defects, providing a cost benefit.

Product quality which cannot be verified by measurement of dimensions or inspection of appearance is verified by the product function and use, and we guarantee the product quality (result) in our own process.

Strength test

We check whether the strength of parts meets quality requirements. We apply a constant load and confirm the force at which the part was destroyed.

Tension test

We check whether parts have the required durability. The point to be checked is whether it can withstand a constant load applied from various angles. In particular we focus on points which are subject to particularly significant loads according to the specifications. For this purpose we also always conduct preliminary consultations to discover the intended purpose and utilization of the molded component.

Leak test

We check whether the required parts satisfy leak standards. Pressure is applied and pressure checked if there is leakage.

Low temperature test

We evaluate whether the durability and strength of the molded product is satisfactory under temperatures below -20℃.

Air tightness test

We check whether the required air tightness has been achieved.

Destructive test

We check whether the required durability has been achieved.

Comment from supervisor

Thailand, Mr. Hasegawa, Managing Director
For machinery parts, we consider the product function tests even more important than the usual dimension measurements and appearance inspection.
These tests require an understanding of the intended use and characteristics of the product before verification and evaluation can be performed and we believe the tests contain elements essential to the manufacturing process which must be done with an understanding of the peculiarities of the product.

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